To modify default editor preferences, you can use these commands and apply them as described in the configuration section and as shown in user-sample.lua. The values shown are the default values.


  • editor.autoactivate = false: auto-activate files during debugging.
  • editor.autoreload = true: auto-reload externally modified files (if no conflict detected).
  • editor.autotabs = false: use tabs if detected.
  • editor.backspaceunindent = true: remove one level of indentation when use backspace on a tab stop; set to false to disable.
  • editor.calltipdelay = 500: calltip delay; set to nil or 0 to disable.
  • editor.caretline = true: show caret line.
  • editor.checkeol = true: check for mixed end-of-line encodings in loaded files; set to nil or false to disable.
  • editor.commentlinetoggle = false: set to toggle comments all at once (when set to false) or line-by-line (when set to true) (v1.31+). The difference can be seen on a fragment that includes a mix of regular and commented lines; when set to true, each line is toggled individually (so commented lines will be uncommented), but when set to false, all lines will be commented out.
  • editor.defaulteol = nil: default EOL encoding (wxstc.wxSTC_EOL_CRLF or wxstc.wxSTC_EOL_LF).
  • editor.edge = false: set editor edge to mark lines that exceed a given length (v1.61+); set to true to enable (at 80 columns) or to a number to set to specific column.
  • editor.edgemode = wxstc.wxSTC_EDGE_NONE: set how the edge for the long lines is displayed (v1.61+); set to wxstc.wxSTC_EDGE_LINE to display as a line or set to wxstc.wxSTC_EDGE_BACKGROUND to display as a different background color of characters after the column limit. The color of the characters or the edge line is controlled by style.edge.fg configuration setting.
  • editor.endatlastline = true: set the scroll range so that maximum scroll position has the last line at the bottom of the view (v1.71+); set to false to allow scrolling one page below the last line.
  • editor.extraascent = nil: extra spacing (in pixels) above the baseline (v0.51+).
  • editor.extradescent = nil: extra spacing (in pixels) below the baseline (v0.61+).
  • editor.fold = true: enable folding (v0.39+).
  • editor.foldcompact = true: set compact fold that includes empty lines after a block.
  • editor.foldtype = 'box': set folding style with box, circle, arrow, and plus as accepted values (v0.51+).
  • editor.foldflags = wxstc.wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED: set folding flags that control how folded lines are indicated in the text area (v0.51+); set to 0 to disable all indicator lines. Other values (can be combined): wxstc.wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED (draw line above if expanded), wxstc.wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED (draw line above if contracted), wxstc.wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED (draw line below if expanded), and wxstc.wxSTC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED (draw line below if contracted).
  • editor.fontname = "Courier New": set font name.
  • editor.fontsize = 11: set font size (the default value is 12 on macOS).
  • editor.indentguide = true: show indentation guides (v0.90+); set to false or nil to disable; set to wxstc.wxSTC_IV_LOOKFORWARD to show indentation guides beyond the actual indentation up to the level of the next non-empty line and to wxstc.wxSTC_IV_LOOKBOTH to show indentation guides beyond the actual indentation up to the level of the next non-empty line or previous non-empty line whichever is the greater (v1.11+).
  • editor.linecopy = true: allow Copy and Cut editor operations to work on the current line when nothing is selected (v1.71+); set to false to disable (nothing will be cut/copied if nothing is selected).
  • editor.linenumber = true: show line numbers (v1.31+).
  • editor.modifiedprefix = "✱ ": set prefix to be shown on modified editor tabs (v1.71+).
  • editor.nomousezoom = false: disable zoom with mouse wheel as it may be too sensitive.
  • editor.saveallonrun = false: save modified files before executing Run/Debug commands (v0.39+).
  • editor.showfncall = false: mark function calls; set to true to add an indicator for function calls.
  • editor.showtabicon = false: show file icon in the editor tab (v1.80+).
  • editor.showtabtooltip = true: show tooltip with the file name over editor tabs (v1.81+).
  • editor.smartindent = true: use smart indentation.
  • editor.tabwidth = 2: set tab width.
  • editor.usetabs = false: enable using tabs.
  • editor.usewrap = true: wrap long lines. All editor.wrap* settings are taken into account only when this setting is set to true.
  • editor.virtualspace = wxstc.wxSTC_VS_NONE: set virtual space options (v1.71). Virtual space is space beyond the end of each line. The caret may be moved into virtual space but no real space will be added to the document until there is some text typed or some other text insertion command is used. Possible values (can be combined): wxstc.wxSTC_VS_RECTANGULARSELECTION (enables virtual space for rectangular selections), wxstc.wxSTC_VS_USERACCESSIBLE, and wxstc.wxSTC_VS_NOWRAPLINESTART (prevents left arrow movement and selection from wrapping to the previous line).
  • editor.whitespace = false: display whitespaces; set to true or wxstc.wxSTC_WS_VISIBLEALWAYS to display white space characters drawn as dots and arrows; set to wxstc.wxSTC_WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT to show white spaces after the first visible character only and to wxstc.wxSTC_WS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT to show white spaces used for indentation only (v1.61+).
  • editor.whitespacesize = 1: set the size of dots indicating whitespaces when shown (v1.61+).
  • editor.wrapflags = wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE: enable drawing of visual flags to indicate wrapped lines (v0.51+). Possible values (can be combined): wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END (end of subline), wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START (beginning of subline), and wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN (line number margin).
  • editor.wrapflagslocation = wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT: set whether the visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped are drawn near the border or near the text (v1.71+). Possible values (can be combined): wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT (flags drawn near border), wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT (flag at end of subline drawn near text), and wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT (flag at beginning of subline drawn near text). Note that the the location value set by wrapflagslocation has to correspond to the flag value set by wrapflags. For example, setting flag location to be shown at the start of text (wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT) when flags are shown at the end (wrapflags set to wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END) will have no effect.
  • editor.wrapindentmode = wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPINDENT_FIXED: enable wrapped sublines to be indented to the position of their first subline or one more indent level (v0.61+). Possible values: wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPINDENT_FIXED (align to left of window plus amount set by editor.wrapstartindent), wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPINDENT_SAME (align to first subline indent), and wxstc.wxSTC_WRAPINDENT_INDENT (align to first subline indent plus one more level of indentation).
  • editor.wrapmode = wxstc.wxSTC_WRAP_WORD: set the type of wrapping applied (v1.21+). Possible values: wxstc.wxSTC_WRAP_WORD (wrap on word or style boundaries), wxstc.wxSTC_WRAP_CHAR (wrap between any characters), wxstc.wxSTC_WRAP_WHITESPACE (wrap on whitespace), and wxstc.wxSTC_WRAP_NONE (no line wrapping).
  • editor.wrapstartindent = 0: set the size of indentation of sublines for wrapped lines in terms of the average character width (v0.61+).

Editor extension mapping

(v1.80+) editor.specmap table provides a way to associate file extension with a file format. For example, setting = 'lua' will make files with .foo extension to be recognized as Lua files (for the purpose of syntax highlighting, folding, and other format-specific actions). Note that the shebang line (the first line in a file that starts with #! and includes the file type) will also be analyzed, but only for files with extensions not listed in the specmap table. For example, having #!lua as the first line in a file with extension .bar will set it as a file of Lua format. An extension can also be specified on the shebang line as long as that extension is listed in the specmap table.

Keyboard shortcuts

The editor component provides its own shortcut handling mechanism linked to specific editor actions. For example, Ctrl-D will duplicate the current line.

The editor provides default commands that can be modified to map to the key combinations you prefer. To modify the key mapping, you can add the following line to the configuration file:

editor.keymap[#editor.keymap+1] =
  {('E'):byte(), wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL, wxstc.wxSTC_CMD_LINEEND}

This will bind Ctrl-E combination to remove the line content from the current position to the end of the line. The description takes four parameters:

  • key code, which may be a code for a visible character (('E'):byte()) or a special code (wxstc.wxSTC_KEY_UP);
  • key modifiers, which is a combination of wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL, wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT, wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_META, and wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_ALT. To combine several modifiers, make a sum of their values: wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL + wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT. On macOS, the Command key is mapped to wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL and the Control key to wxstc.wxSTC_SCMOD_META.
  • Keyboard command, which specify the action that needs to be tied to the key combination;
  • (optional) operating system, which is one of 'Windows', 'Macintosh', or 'Unix' strings. If no operating system is specified, then the combination is available on all systems.

Note that the editor key mapping is different from the IDE key mapping as the former only works when the editor is in focus and the latter may work when other components have focus. When there is a conflict, the IDE shortcuts take preference over editor shortcuts.

what a breath of fresh air. (doctorbling)

IMHO, ZBS is the fastest, most-flexible, best-thought-out IDE AND Debugger I've used since I began coding professionally in 1980. (Michael Berlyn)

Love ZeroBrane Studio. Lightweight. Works. Powerful. (Ross Berteig)

Love the debugger, saving my life. (Troy Sandal)

Thanks again for your awesome IDE. I've moved over to it, forsaking my previous investment in Decoda! (Stephen Nichols)

my kids love ZeroBrane. (Phil Hagelberg)

ZBS is beautiful experience. I am using it usually 10 hrs every day w/o problems. (Srdjan Markovic)

...heartily recommend it. (stun)

I love ZBS. I use it for all of the work I’ve started doing in Lua...! This IDE is fantastic! (Eddie Dover)

ZeroBrane Studio has got a working debugger, full IDE feature set, small footprint, and is completely customizable in lua. You have no idea how excited I was to find this little gem! (Jonathan Shieh)

It's a joy to use;... totally rock solid. (Jeff Smith)

Complaining about Zerobrane is like complaining that a beautiful spring day is a couple degrees too warm. (Jim Burnes)